Creating a DataSource : Oracle Database

Creating a DataSource : Oracle Database PRODUCT     AVGIDEA, INC. 

The datasource represents a database or storage in the cloud to which ADX reads and exports data. Oracle Database DataSource can be configured to access tables in Oracle database.

Creating a Data Source

1. From the ADP console, click the user icon in the upper left corner of the screen to display the account information.

2. Click the "+" button from "DataSources".

3. Enter the details of the data source and click the "ADD" button.

DataSource name : Name of the data source

Description : Description of the data source

Product : Product of the data source to connect to (Oracle Database)

User & Password : user & password used for connecting to the database

Host & Port : hostname and port number where Oracle Database is running

Database name : name of the database connecting to

4. When the data source is successfully added, it will appear in the DataSources list.

Next Step : Creating an Entity Set